Friday, October 31, 2008

Cinnamon Bear

Inga's Halloween outfit. She is a velvet Cinnamon bear and she knows how to roar! And she knows how to con neighbors out of all of the candy in their bowls. She did learn "thank you," so mommy isn't entirely mortified. Daddy took the pictures. We should have gotten some of the little trick-or-treater....Inga wore her new wool long underwear under the costume. I think she liked the underwear more than the being a bear.

Pumpkin Craving

Inga helped poppa carve the pumpkin. Well, actually, she ate little bits of raw pumpkin while he carved- but she seems to appreciate the result.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sunny Morning


We're supposed to read to Inga every day. Inga has some strange tastes.

Inga's monkey suit

Gerty and Aura Lee brought Inga this Monkey Suit and brought mom and dad Anise Ice Cream. Due to Inga's advanced begging skills, in the end, she got both presents.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Inga can count

Inga and I were coming back from the Y last night, we went swimming. Suddenly, over the loose muffler and the blasting heater (it was below freezing already folks), I heard Inga counting. "one, two, two, two, two, five, yaaaaaay! (picture her wildly applauding herself). She had another version too: "two, two, two, two, Five! Yaaaaay! (applause). I could see her counting off her fingers out of the corner of my eye. I attempted to add "three" and "four' to her repertoire; she was willing to throw in an occasional "three," but she doesn't seems to like "four" at all.

Inga would also like you to know that she is very excited about boot season. She likes her boots a LOT.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Inga's Achievements as of Oct. 21st 5 p.m.

Inga and I went swimming last night and discovered that she can hold onto the side of the pool and yell "kick, kick, kick" and do it! She can also blow bubbles and yell "star" and point out the cement star fish on the pool.

Inga has also really, really figured out the full-on tantrum. The parents are learning the fine art of "not giving in" the the full blow tantrum. (sorry, no pictures- she'd throw the camera).

Inga is also reportedly engaging in cooporative play on a regular basis at el jardin and at our neighbor's house- pretty good for a 20 month-old. She can also tell you that cars say "beep, beep" and trains say "choo-choo" and demonstrate how they move around and do this. She also likes to yell "truck!, varoom, varoom" at trucks.

I guess that I am not too worried about Inga falling into the girly trap, given her transportation obsession, so far. Which is good because she now dresses in all pink - our wonderful neighbor gave Inga all of her daughters' (yes that apostrophe is in the right place), 2T clothes, and Inga LOVES the pink, frilly tracksuits. So I go around with a little girld all in pink, with bows in her hair, carrying a toy car, who constantly yells "varoom" at trucks.

Inga can also, evidently, climb onto the table, get a jar of raisins, unscrew the cap, and eat all of the raisins. She calls all mugs "coffees" and likes to pour her teacher cups of "coffee" at schools. She also reportedly really enjoys cleaning up at school (wierd child- we'll get this checked on).

love you all.