Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Notes on the little monster's development

Inga is recovering nicely from her little vomiting illness. Thanks to everyone who checked in on her.

She would like to tell you that she is"all better" and that she likes swimming lessons and her dollies. She thinks that bears are "silly" or "funny," she does NOT like the cat in her dollhouse, and she has fun pretending to eat her wooden vegetables. Inga's vocabulary is exploding and we seem to be in one of those lovely lulls in tantrums-she couldn't be more delightful. Inga managed to jump and get both of her feet off the floor last week, and has discovered the joy of running in circles until she is dizzy. Inga likes to drink "tea" (warm water from the kettle) and eat butter. We've been talking about electricity, Inga was excited about the wind generators we saw on our way to visit great-grandma Boeke, but I don't think that she has totally grasped the concept (me either, really).