Monday, November 9, 2009

Where babies come from

At dinner.

Inga: My baby's name is "pink"!

Me: Where is your baby?

Inga: It's coming?

Me: Where is the baby coming from?

Inga: The Magazine.

Me: Babies don't come from magazines, where do you think you came from?

Inga: I came from school.

Me: Ummm.

Inga: Actually (Inga often starts sentences with "actually"), I didn't come from anywhere. (starts gesticulating wildly and muttering).

Me: Inga, babies come from their mommies bellies. (long explanation of several of our friends recent pregnancies, distended bellies and the ensuing baby-- Inga's eyes glaze over).

Inga: I have a pink baby! (pulls shirt up) In here (points to belly). I have a pink baby in my belly button. It is getting bigger (puffs out belly). Do you want some milk, baby? (offers her milk glass to her belly button).

Great, I have the world's first pregnant two year old.

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